
Popis výrobku

The Elite-Chain™ C70 diamond chain is designed for fast cutting and high longevity in materials that have little or no reinforcement, e.g., blocks, bricks and medium to soft concrete. It is optimised for chainsaws with a power output between 4 and 5.5 kW, such as the K 970 Chain and K 7000 Chain. This chain features 59 drive links and should therefore be used on the Husqvarna Elite-Guide™ Bar 59 DL (18" cutting depth).
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Najvyššie technické parametre

TypRezanie za mokra
Max. hĺbka rezu450 mm
Dĺžka vodiacej lišty, cm400 mm
Odporúčané príslušenstvo vhodné pre tento model
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